Organisational Behaviour: Meaning, Scope, Nature, Elements, Models

Will Learn About:

1. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour.

2. Meaning & Definitions of Organisational Behaviour.

3. Nature & Characteristics of Organisational Behaviour.

4. Scope of Organisational Behaviour.

5. Objectives of Organisational Behaviour.

6. Elements of Organisational Behaviour.

7. Principles of Organisational Behaviour.

8. Factors Influencing Organisational Behaviour.

1) Introduction to Organisational Behaviour.

Organisational Behaviour is a concept which deals with human behaviour in the Organisation. It seeks knowledge from different fields such as Psychology, Human Resource Management, Business concepts, Sociology. Therefore it is a multidisciplinary concept.

The elements and concept of Organisational Behaviour is both related to Business/Non Business Organisations and Society. Let's see the meaning and definitions of Organisational Behaviour.

2) Meaning & Definitions of Organisational Behaviour.

Organisational Behaviour is a field of studying human behaviour in the Organisation. Human behaviour itself is interesting and complex to understand, which makes Organisational Behaviour even more complex. 

In Organisational Behaviour, we study the behaviour of individuals and groups operating in the Organisation. It studies the interaction of situational factors and human resources in the Organisation. No individuals are same in their nature and behaviour. So, it is the predictability of management which predicts the behaviour of individuals and act accordingly to achieve the goals. 

According to Davis and Newstram, “Organisational behaviour is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within organisations.”

According to L. M. Prasad, “Organisational behaviour can be defined as the study and application of knowledge about human behaviour related to other elements of an organisation such as structure, technology and social systems.”

According to Fred Luthans, “Behaviour is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction and control of human behaviour in organisations.”

3) Nature & Characteristics of Organisational Behaviour.

1. A Separate Field of Study

By definition, a discipline is an accepted science that is based on a theoretical foundation. On the other hand, Organisational Behaviour is a field which takes help from other disciplines to understand the human behaviour in the organisation more effectively.

2. Interdisciplinary approach

Organisational Behaviour seeks knowledge from different disciplines to study the human behaviour. The disciplines which help OB are psychology, sociology, anthropology etc. 

3. An Applied Science

Organisational behaviour is an applied science. What Organisational Behaviour basically is the application of various researches to solve some organizational problems related to human behaviour and other. The basic line of difference between pure science and Organisational Behaviour is that while the former focuses on fundamental research, the latter concentrates on applied research. 

4. Normative science.

Organizational Behaviour is a normative science also. While the positive science discusses only cause and effect relationships, O.B. prescribes how the findings of applied researches can be applied to socially accepted organizational goals. Thus, O.B. deals with what is accepted by individuals and society engaged in an organization. Yes, it is not that O.B. is not normative at all. In fact, O.B. is normative as well that is well underscored by the proliferation of management theories.

5. Total Systems Approach.

Systems approach has been developed by behavioural approach


  1. From introduction to scope, elements, types of organizational behaviors were explained quite well. learned a lot from this informative blog. I studying PGDM in HR and this blog was helpful for the same.


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