What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

Just imagine, you are giving an interview to start your career with a nice job in a multinational company, and you have performed brilliantly. So, you are selected for the job, congratulations mate. And you are entering into the office to start fulfilling your duty, and everything is looking strange, new, uncomfortable. You are feeling nervous, which is natural and obvious. 

Friends, that's where this Induction programme helps you and get settled with the new office, co-workers, organization etc. 

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

Hello friends, today, we're gonna cover an important topic in human resource management, which is called "Induction". Now question arises that "What is Induction in HRM?". It comes after completion of selection process. When company communicates with potential employees and stimulates them to apply, it's called recruitment. After that, when company divides all applicants and some applicants are chosen for job, it's called selection. 

There comes our today's topic Induction. Just after selection process, when new employee joins the organization for the first time, it's the duty of organization to welcome the employee in the organization to reduce his/her shyness and anxiety. let's understand in detail about this concept.

In this article we will talk about the following contents:

1) What is Induction in HRM? Meaning & Definition.

2) Features/ characteristics of Induction.

3) Objectives of Induction in human resource management.

4) Phases of induction program.

5) Process/ Steps followed in Induction program.

6) Benefits/ Need of Induction program.

What is Induction in HRM - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

1. Meaning & Definition:

Let's start with the definition of Induction, after that we will analyze it in detail.

According to Michael Armstrong," Induction is the process of receiving & welcoming an employee when he first joins a company & giving him basic information he needs to settle down quickly & happily & start work".

Induction in human resource management is a vital topic. Now, when any employee joins a company for the first time, it is obvious and natural that he/ she will feel shy, strange, anxiety, uncomfortable. They can feel strange to the environment, new colleagues, new work systems or new superior etc. This anxiety creates some problems in adapting to situation and do their job freely. Therefore, it is vital to introduce the new employees with the organization, his/ her work place, company values, rules and regulations, his/ her colleagues, etc. 

Research has shown that if full induction program is successfully then it leads to staff retention. It improves employees loyalty towards the organization, enhances coordination, which in the end leads to improvement in overall performance of the organization. In induction program new employees are introduced to following areas:

1) They introduce new employee to background information, mission, vision, culture, etc.

2) Company goals, objectives, his individual objectives, etc.

3) Authority and responsibilities, duties, relationship structure, communication systems etc.

4) Employees can be informed about performance standards, compensation policies, and related information.

So, we have done meaning of induction in HRM. Now, let's move on to it's features:

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/Steps, Benefits.

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

2. Features/ Characteristics:

1) New employees get to know about the company, products and services, customers. These kind of information will help them to perform effectively.

2) Employees are informed about the history of the organization, culture, vision, style of working, etc.

3) Induction reduces shyness, anxiety of employee, which lead to loyalty, hard work, improved performance, etc.

4) Conducting Induction program is the responsibility and duty of the organization. It will provide benefit to both the employee and organization.

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/Steps, Benefits.

3. Objectives of Induction:

1) Reduce anxiety

To help employees in reduction of shyness, anxiety. Which will allow them to express freely and work efficiently. This will increase performance level of the employee.

2) Familiar with job

To help them to be familiar with their job, authority, work place, colleagues and whole organization. It will develop a sense of belongingness.

3) Relationship with others

To enable new employees to develop good relation with existing human resource in the organization. It will lead to team work and cooperative attitude, which is vital for successful business.

4) Expected performance

To inform employees about expected level of performance, attitude behaviour, so that they can direct their efforts towards the desired performance.

5) HR policies

To help employees know about policies related to compensation, grievance handling, leave, etc.

If those five objectives given above are achieved by induction program, it will give several benefits to the organization such as staff retention, loyalty of employee, strategic behavior, motivated employees, competitive advantage etc. Let's move on to phases in induction:

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/Steps, Benefits.

4. Three Phases in induction.

1) General induction

This phase of induction conducted by HR department. In this phase, the focus is on informing the employee about mission, vision, philosophy of the organization. This will make employee clear about the main purpose of the organization. In this phase, he/ she is also informed about the facilities, remuneration policy, promotion related procedure, grievance management, etc.

2) Specific induction

Specific induction is the responsibility of employee's supervisor or as we all know the "boss". The main focus in specific induction is to provide information about his/ her job. The employees are introduced to their job. Working place, condition, colleagues, resources he/ she will have, duties, authority, responsibility related information are provided to employee in this phase. It will help new employee to adapt to his working environment.

3) Follow up induction

The third phase is called follow up induction. The purpose of this is to know whether the employee understood all information given in above two phases or not. Because, if he/ she doesn't understand organization fully, then it will be tough for them to fulfill his/ her duties and responsibilities effectively. This phase is done by superior or any specialist in industry. It will also evaluate the effectiveness of whole induction program.

What is Induction in HRM - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/ steps, Benefits.

5. Procedure/ Steps of conducting induction program:

1) Welcoming new employee

The new employee need to be welcomed by the organization when he/ she first joins there. It will develop a sense of belongingness in both the employee and organization. 

2) Determine Information

Organization should make plan about what information they will give to employee. They shouldn't inform all the information to employee in just one day, it will be like overloading the mind of employee.

3) Method of induction

In this stage, company will decide about how they will introduce everything to employee. Proper time should be given in this stage to choose appropriate method.

4) Instructor

The instructor who will introduce employee with organization should have experience and knowledge of handling new employees. There are many questions and doubts in the mind of new employees. Instructor should be able to clear all those doubts.

5) Evaluation of induction

In the end, organization should evaluate the whole program, and take actions accordingly. Success of induction program is necessary for both, the employees and organization. 

We learned the process of induction in human resource management. If that process is successfully completed, then the organization will get many benefits in all aspects of business. Because, if human resource of the organization is committed and loyal towards the goals of the company, then, no one can stop that company from achieving those goals and objectives. Following are some benefits of conducting successful induction program:

What is Induction in HRM? - Meaning, Definition, Features, Objectives, Phases, Process/Steps, Benefits,

6. Benefits/ Advantages of Induction:

1) Easy entry.

New employees will get easy and nice entry in the organization, to start their work with no anxiety and shyness, which will lead to effective performance.

2) High morale.

There will be high morale throughout the organization, which will enable them to achieve high standard performance for the organization.

3) Clarity in roles.

There will be role clarity among the human resources, which is vital to for the direction of all members of organization. 

4) Competitive advantage.

Organization will have creative and competent human resource, which will enable them to compete in this ever changing environment.

5) Job satisfaction.

Employees will feel satisfied from the job and job satisfaction is excellent source of motivation to perform better and better for their organization.

6) Reduce turnover rate.

There will be less absenteeism and turnovers of employees, which will enable the organization to operate in effective and consistent manner.

Thanks for learning with us. We will keep providing such knowledge with you and we hope that you will keep understanding and keep learning from it. Kindly comment below and give feedback & suggest any improvements or any doubts.

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  1. Conducting Induction process for new employees seems like a great way to start the new journeys. Found this blog very useful as I am pursuing PGDM Course in HR management from distance learning school


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